Unfold your full vocal potential

How my students successfully unfold their full vocal and personal potential and become aligned, fulfilled & free on stage.

Imagine you have unfold your full vocal potential 100% and be free of any vocal technical problem.

Imagine you have found your perfect and authentically way to feel free and safe on stage.

Imagine you inspire and enthuse your audience with ease and joy, and you achieve your vocal goals. (Auditions, Competitions, Exams, Concerts)

Imagine you transform your sensitivity from weakness into your superpower and for all while working smart instead of hard.

Learn how you can realize soon to unfold your „Full Voice Potential“

Unfold your full vocal potential

How my students successfully unfold their full vocal and personal potential and become aligned, fulfilled & free on stage.

Imagine you have unfold your full vocal potential 100% and be free of any voice technical problem.

Imagine you have found your perfect and authentically way to feel free and safe on stage.

Imagine you inspire and enthuse your audience with ease and joy, and you achieve your vocal goals. (Auditions, Competitions, Exams, Concerts)

Imagine you transform your sensitivity from weakness into your superpower and for all while working smart instead of hard.

Learn how you can realize soon to unfold your „Full Vocal Potential“

Dear wonderful singer!

Do you no longer want to waste your vocal potential and finally unfold it?

Do you want to step into your full creative, feminine power and musically
fullfillment and so become  aligned and free on stage?

Then continue reading now. I have something for you.
„What if I tell you your sensitivity is the biggest gift for your success, you just have to learn to make most of it. Would you like to unwrap and finally embrace this gift, take full advantage of its blessings AND free your full vocal potential?“

And what if I tell you that I have a special gift for you. I have developed a special and unique ability. I combine my gifts like empathy and intuition with vocal technical know-how and performance experience. With this my „Full voice potential“ method, we are able to solve your vocal or mental blockages quickly and in an individual and holistic way.

… by meeting you where you are and taking you to where you want to be – and even a bit further.

Would you like to get to know the „Full Vocal Potential“ Method?

And do you want to learn can live your full potential– and make 2021 YOUR year?
free Voice potential analysis and potential reading with me and…


Overcome vocal difficulties and develop your full voice potential holistically.

Do you already know a lot about singing, but your body, nervoussystem and voice still can't always retrieve their skills. We deepen vocal technical know-how and link it with heart, body, soul and intuition. While singing you don`t want to think about anything technical anymore. Doesn't it sound good to have for example no more problems with high notes, tongue, jaw, ariticulation and resonace themes and to master passaggio, appoggio or coloratura are no longer just abstract topics. Your muscles and your nervous system automatically know what to do.
Singing with playful ease and joy.

Get mental
skills & hacks

You and your voice are so great and unique, only when you step into your full personal greatness, bravely visible to take your place fully, your voice comes with you and you achieve the breakthrough you so long for.

Deal with
stage fright

You will build a mindset for auditioning, for the stage or for the entrance exams and learn how to deal with stage fright, jealous colleagues, competition, elbow technique or fear of failure.

Imagine becoming more successful without anxiety especially as sensitive singer.

Turn your sensitivity into your superpower on stage

You can learn to use your sensitivity fully for your musical, scenic design and performance. Take your tenderness as a strength not as a weakness. We increase your self-confidence and transform your sensitivity in your superpower on stage.

Healthy voice
for a lifetime

Does singing sometimes feels like hard work, there is too much pressure or the voice tires quickly?

I show you how to sing healthy and have a healthy voice for a lifetime. Maybe you got problems after a decease, pregnancy, or with age terms.

Pronunciation and interpretation
of German singing literature

Professionalize your pronunciation, spelling and interpretation of German art songs,
oratorio, operette or opera.

Live your life purpose

You know singing is your calling. You are talented, imaginative, intuitive and musical, but sometimes you cannot express that in your music-making.

So let us bring your whole being to unfold on stage, touch people's hearts and comfort them with your personality and your voice. So you and your audience will enjoy your uplifting, inspiring music.


You finally want to sing again and unfold your full potential?
Find a safe way online NOW to be able to work on your vocal technique and be well prepared for upcoming exams, auditions, concerts etc.

Use this specially challenging time. In my opinion, our cultural hunger will be huge after Corona.

For whom is the „Unfold your full vocal Potential“ Program?

You have the dream to inspire and comfort your audience with your music and your performance and feel so free and fulfilled in doing so.

You have the inner knowing, that your vocation is singing and making music?

You want to finally unfold your full vocal potential and want to overcome any voice technical problem once and for all?

You are willing to invest time and money in the deep dive development of your voice and your personality?

You are ready to break new ground and transform your sensitivity and use it for your musicality?

Can you answer most of the above questions with “Yes”? Then, let`s talk!
You let go of everything that has kept you small so far and finally reach your goals with a strong success mindset. In our academy you grow enormously fast inside and outside and simply have more success with ease and joy.

Who is Birgit Marianne Ecker?

Birgit´s mission is to help you and your voice reach its full potential, to guide you into your full greatness so that you can in turn inspire and uplift your audience.

Birgit Marianne Ecker, an Austrian soprano, studied at the University Mozarteum in Salzburg.

She lives with her family, her husband and two boys, in Austria, next to Salzburg. She works as a classical singer and „Full Voice Potetial“ Coach and Mentor for classical singers online and offline.

She sang as a solist at Salzburger Landestheater, Kurtheater Bad Hall, Schloss Mirabell Salzburg, Bad Ischl, Gmunden, Riva, Vaduz, Vienna, ect.
She attended numerous masterclasses with Prof. Kurt Widmer, Prof. Barbara Bonney, Prof. Richard Miller, Prof. Gerhard Kahry., etc.

Already during her studies she and Birgit’s fellow students and first noticed her extraordinary talent for freeing voices and sought her help. Later she got feedback from her students that her teaching was like therapy. People were astonished of the benefit they become when they work with Birgit.

At the beginning of her studies she heard harsh words and thought her voice is to small or she has to overcome her sensitivity and has to have an elephant skin. She worked hard and learned a lot. So she adopted voice technical knowledge and found ways to transform her high sensitivity into her superpower on stage and also to use her empathy as a voice coach.

„What if I tell you your sensitivity is the biggest gift for your success, you just have to learn to make most of it. Would you like to unwrap and finally embrace this gift, take full advantage of its blessings AND free your full vocal potential?“

Birgit has developed a special and unique method. Birgit can listen to you as deeply as very few people can outside of a concert hall and she even does it online .

Her „Full Vocal Potential“ method combines her empathy, intuition, with vocal technical know-how and performance experience. So she is able to solve vocal or mental blockages with her students quickly and for all in an individual and holistic way.

Step 1

Apply for a free call.

Step 2

Together we will find out if I can help reach your goals and if the programme is suitable for you.

Step 3

If my program is suitable for you we start a collaboration – congratulations!

“I am very much looking forward to you and your voice!"

Birgit Marianne Ecker,

your „Full Vocal Potential“ Coach


unfold your full voice potential

Mentoring for female, classical singers by Birgit Marianne Ecker.

Become part of my unique Community of female classical singers.
Take advantage of my expertise and experience.

I share my best voice technical and mental tipps in regular lives and of course we lift each other up in this very special community.

„Unfold your full vocal potential“ for female singers, by Birgit Marianne Ecker